Project: Matagarup Bridge – Approach Ramps
Location: Perth, WA
Duration: 2 Years
McDowall Affleck assisted the York-Rizzani De Eccher joint venture during the design and construction of the Matagarup Bridge. McDowall Affleck, in joint venture with its Italian partner Studio Techné, were appointed by the principal consulting firm ENIGMA SRL as a design subconsultant. We were to provide preliminary and detailed design of the approach structures to the main bridge. This consisted of an abutment for the Public Shared Path (PSP) steel composite overpass on the Burswood side and in the approximately 110m long, 3% constant grade approach ramp and the curved concrete PSP overpass on the East Perth side.
McDowall Affleck designed, documented and offered construction support for the Western Approach ramp, Western PSP overpass and Eastern PSP overpass abutment.
We had some challenges along the way but we had a good design agreed with the contractor to maximise offsite prefabrication and minimise on site labour cost.