Project: Perth Airport – Lease Area A B C
Location: Hazelmere, WA
Duration: Began in 2007
The Lease Areas A, B and C consisted of low lying, un-serviced land and required significant earthworks and drainage to be undertaken in order to be able to construct any industrial buildings on the land. The total land area comprised of approximately 12 Ha, with 4Ha (lease Area A) consisting of uncontrolled fill stockpiles to be remediated within a certain timeframe. C&D Recycling, a related entity to our client, was operating a Construction and Demolition Recycling Company on the site and we worked closely with them to assist in the rehabilitation of the site and provide them with a solution to enable the soil to be recycled and used as structural fill.
We implemented the earthworks construction by treating (screening and recycling) the large stockpile of uncontrolled fill material on site and using it as fill in 200 deep layers and using a method specification determined with the Contractor and the geotechnical engineer. The volume of fill screened and placed was approximately 90,000m3.
We were engaged to design and obtain approvals from Westralia Airports Corporation (now Perth Airport) for the lots. Lease Areas B and C were also designed for earthworks and drainage and approved by Westralia Airports Corporation. We ultimately were also involved with the civil design works (car parks and drainage) for the building on Lease Area C (Rand Cold Stores).