Project: Forrestfield Holiday Park
Location: Forrestfield, WA
Duration: 16 Months
McDowall Affleck was commissioned by Discovery Holiday Park (The Big 4) as their Civil Engineering Consultants to assist when a development to expand their existing Caravan Park Facilities in Forrestfield. Discovery Holiday Parks purchased an existing house lot adjoining their existing site and obtained Development Approval for an additional 22 sites. The development consisted a mixed use of cabins and caravan sites. McDowall Affleck completed the design and documentation of the earthworks (based on recommendation of a Geotechnical Report), roads, drainage, Sewer Reticulation, Internal Sewer and water hydraulics. McDowall Affleck engaged with David Rose and Associates as their sub-consultant for the Design and Documentation of the internal electrical design. HAS Group Pty Ltd were awarded the Civil Construction works through a selected tender process.
The constraints with the design was that the DA approval conditions stated that we needed to protect significant trees within the site, so the designed needed to take this into consideration, such as service alignments to ensure that no trenching occurred adjacent to the tress resulting in potential damage to the trees.
Another constraint was the sewer extension to the site involved connecting into an existing 600 sewer main located within an existing sporting facility across the road. So timing of the connection and working within existing sporting grounds was very important to Council to ensure there was no effect on the playing fields such as damage to existing electrical cabling and lighting and all reinstatements to the ovals occurred immediately upon completion of the works.
The contractors also had to ensure that the entrance to the existing site was maintained at all times to ensure that here was no impact on travellers entering and existing the site.